The history of HTML and CSS

What is HTML and CSS?

HTML is a markup language used to structure and organize content on webpages, while CSS is used to control their visual appearance. They are used for making websites and have had lots of updates and changes over the past 30+ years, starting from the first version of html and css to the current most updated versions.
On this website I will talk about the different versions of HTML and CSS, what they are used for and what changes were made

css html

Evolution of HTML from
HTML2.0 to HTML5

In 1991, the first version of HTML was written by Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist at the CERN research institute in Switzerland. Since then, there has been 5 different versions of HTML. HTML went from having 18 tags to now having 140 tags.
HTML 2.0 was released in 1995, it had all the features HTML 1.0 had along with a few extra features. HTML 2.0 was the standard markup language for website designing and creation until January 1997, when Dave Raggett introduced a new version of HTML, HTML 3.0. It has new and improved features of HTML, allowing brand new powerful characteristics to a website, a downside of these new features was that they slowed down the browser. Then in 1999 HTML 4.01 was released, offering new features and more compatible with web browsers. It remained the most popular version of HTML until HTML 5.0 was released in 2012. HTML 5.0 is the newest version of HTML and is the standard markup language for creating Web pages, it has the most features and is extremely compatible with all browsers.

HTML Version Year
HTML Invented 1991
HTML 1.0 Released 1993
HTML 2.0 Released 1995
HTML 3.0 Released 1997
HTML 4.0 Released 1999
HTML 5.0 Released 2014

The Evolution of CSS

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) was created HÃ¥kon Wium Lie in 1994, to allow web designers to change the layout, colours, and fonts of their websites. On the right is a picture of HÃ¥kon Wium Lie. It started with CSS1 in 1996, which did basic things like changing fonts and colours. Then came CSS2 in 1998, which added more tricks like positioning stuff on a page. In 2004 CSS2.1 was released and fixed some issues. CSS3 versions were then released throughout the 2000’s, which are like a toolkit with fancy features like rounded corners and animations.

CSS Version Year
CSS Idea Proposed 1994
CSS 1.0 Released 1996
CSS 2.0 Released 1998
CSS 2.1 Released 2011
CSS3 Released 2000's


There has been many HTML Tags over the years, these are the ones I have used in the creation of this website:

  • <h1> and <h2> are tags I used to put headings for my paragraphs.
  • I used the <p> tag to write my paragraphs
  • I used <head> for metadata and <body> for the main content.
  • I used <img> to add images to my website.
  • I used <a> to add links to my website.
  • I used <div> to divide my website into sections.
  • I used <ul> to create an unordered list.
  • I used <title> tag to name my Page title
  • I used <table>, <tr> <th> and <td> tags to make a table to display information in a table

CSS Tags

I used many different CSS Tags to help me create my web page. These are some of the ones I have used:

  • I used “background-color” to change the colour of a background
  • I used “width” to change the size of boxes, text and images
  • I used “border” to add and change styles of a border
  • I used “margin” to add and change size of a margin
  • I used “text-align” to align text in certain places.
  • I used “padding” to allocate room around my text
  • I used “font-family” to specify the font
  • I used “float” to control the horizontal allignment of an element


Here are the sources I used to create this website:
